AMSA Pharm-free Scorecard 2016
Liquid error: undefined method `respond_to_missing?' for #<Liquid::Strainer:0x00000006f6a490> Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine
City: Vallejo State: CA

Updates: This institution's COI policies were evaluated on Oct-1 -2016.

This institution submitted policies for review for the 2016 AMSA Scorecard.

Gifts pie1

Policy states that faculty may accept gifts of 'nominal value' i.e. pens, calendars, etc. Faculty may not accept gifts that would 'obligate' them. This is vague enough to warrant a 1.

[Domain Location: 17a)Page 4 bullet 4-6]
Meals pie1

Lunches may be provided if 'reasonable in cost and frequency'

[Domain Location: 17a) page 4, bullet 7]
Industry-funded promotional speaking relationships (not ACCME-accredited) pie1

There is a lot of language around COI broadly but nothing specific to speaking engagements

[Domain Location: ]
Industry-support of ACCME-accredited CME pie1

This policy is pretty broad. The ACGME is not mentioned.

[Domain Location: ]
Attendance of industry-sponsored promotional events pie1

Again, you could maybe interpret from broad COI language that industry sponsored events could be covered, but the language is not specific enough to warrant above a 1

[Domain Location: n/a]
Industry-supported scholarships and awards pie1

There is nothing about industry supported scholarships in the policy

[Domain Location: ]
Ghostwriting and honorary authorships pie1

No policy located

[Domain Location: ]
Consulting and advising relationships pie2

Policy is clear (pg 8) that a COI would include a faculty member taking part in consulting with an outside entity and that for these interactions, 'approval needs to be secured in advance' (pg 7, paragraph 2).

[Domain Location: 17a) pgs. 7-8]
Access of pharmaceutical sales representatives pie1

No policy located

[Domain Location: ]
Access of medical device representatives pie1

No policy located

[Domain Location: ]
Conflict of interest disclosure pie2

Requires disclosure of COI internally

[Domain Location: 17a)Pgs. 9-10, section C]
COI curriculum pie2

The curriculum is 'Medical jurisprudence', which sounds limited at best with respect to specific influence of the pharmaceutical industry

[Domain Location: 17z]
Extension of COI policies to community affiliates pie3

The response given in 17z states that the policy applies to all faculty/students regardless of the site.

[Domain Location: 17z]
Enforcement and Sanctions of Policies pie3

The governing body is the 'Office of General Counsel', there are processes detailed for submitting COI, the process of determining a violation, reporting a COI, etc.

[Domain Location: 17a) pg 10-11]
What the results mean...
3Model policy
2Good progress toward model policy
1No policy, or policy unlikely to have a substantial effect on behavior