Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine | ||
City: Chicago | State: IL | |
Updates: This institution's COI policies were evaluated on Apr-30-2014. This institution submitted policies for review for the 2014 AMSA Scorecard. No policies were provided by the institution and no updates were found via online web searches for the 2016 Scorecard. |
Gifts | Gifts are prohibited but allowed if they are unsolicited (i.e. gift baskets or business lunches) with a cumulative market value under $250, or in the case of an educational item such as an anatomical model. Gift baskets and educational items meant primari [Domain Location: Policy 1, page 1 and 3; Policy 4, p 2] |
Meals | No industry-funded meals of any nature or value allowed except in the case of modest meals offered at industry-sponsored off-campus events or at on-campus departmental educational events. Meals set up solely to 'promote a new or existing product or servic [Domain Location: Policy 4, p 3] |
Industry-funded promotional speaking relationships (not ACCME-accredited) | If a talk is funded by industry, the content must be determined by the speaker and not the company, and the talk must be educational (i.e. 'fair and balanced' ) and not promotional in content. [Domain Location: Policy 6, pgs. 2-3] |
Industry-support of ACCME-accredited CME | The policy allows industry-support of CME with central management of the funding. The CME office or Education and Support Services Department will 'coordinate educational credit and facilitate payment to the speakers and for other expenses.' [Domain Location: Policy 8, p 2; Policy 9] |
Attendance of industry-sponsored promotional events | While supervisor approval to attend industry-sponsored promotional events is required in advance, there are no restrictions in place prohibiting or discouraging attendance and travel reimbursement of such events. [Domain Location: Policy 5, p 2] |
Industry-supported scholarships and awards | Industry support to attend conferences or trainings is allowed, with little to no stipulations in place. The policy notes that funds can be used to 'help underwrite the cost of research and/or fellowships' and 'coordinated with the Development Office, the [Domain Location: Policy 4, p 2] |
Ghostwriting and honorary authorships | No policy provided. [Domain Location: No policy provided.] |
Consulting and advising relationships | All consulting relationships must be approved by a review from a supervisor and payments should be fair-market value for 'actual services rendered or expenses incurred.' [Domain Location: Policy 4, p 3; Policy 6, p 2] |
Access of pharmaceutical sales representatives | Pharmaceutical representatives are allowed to meet with faculty but the meetings must take place only in non-patient care areas and the meetings must take place by appointment only. [Domain Location: Policy 7, pgs. 1-2] |
Access of medical device representatives | It is unclear in the policy whether medical device representatives are covered under the vendor sales representative category because there is no distinction in roles. [Domain Location: No policy provided.] |
Conflict of interest disclosure | Annual disclosure is required by all employees. [Domain Location: Policy 1, page 1; Policy 2, p 5; Policy 3, p 2; Policy 4, p 1; Policy 5, p 1] |
COI curriculum | The institution noted during its policy submission that 'faculty and residents are required to complete e-module training and complete annual disclosure statements. Medical students are taught about COI in the required patient centered medicine course, as [Domain Location: Policy 3, p 1 and as identified in submitted materials. ] |
Extension of COI policies to community affiliates | All faculty and employees are subject to the institution's COI policies. Medical students and residents are also covered in some instances. The policies do not note whether part-time or volunteer faculty are covered; however, there is mention that the pol [Domain Location: Policy 2, p 1; Policy 3, p 1; Policy 5, p 1; Policy 7, p 1] |
Enforcement and Sanctions of Policies | Enforcement and sanctions of policies are required. [Domain Location: Policy 1, page 2; Policy 2, p 6; Policy 3, p 4; Policy 4, p 3; Policy 5, p 7; Policy 6, p 3] |
Model policy | |
Good progress toward model policy | |
No policy, or policy unlikely to have a substantial effect on behavior |