AMSA Pharm-free Scorecard 2016
Liquid error: undefined method `respond_to_missing?' for #<Liquid::Strainer:0x00000006f6a490> University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine
City: Reno State: NV

Updates: This institution's COI policies were evaluated on May- 6-2014.

This institution's policies were found via online web searches for the 2016 Scorecard. They were last updated prior to their review for the 2014 Scorecard.

Gifts pie2

Industry-funded gifts of minimal value are permitted. Industry can also distribute promotional items to a central office, rather than directly to students.

[Domain Location: Policy 2; Policy 3, page 8; Policy 4, page 1]
Meals pie2

No industry-funded meals of any nature or value allowed except in the case of industry-sponsored events (those funds must be provided through a restricted grant).

[Domain Location: Policy 1, page 1; Policy 2; Policy 4, page 1]
Industry-funded promotional speaking relationships (not ACCME-accredited) pie3

'Faculty are not allowed to participate in industry marketing activities such as participation on a speakers bureau.'

[Domain Location: Available online at:]
Industry-support of ACCME-accredited CME pie2

The policy allows industry-support of CME with the safeguard of centralized management.

[Domain Location: Policy 1, page 2]
Attendance of industry-sponsored promotional events pie2

Attendance allowed (without any statement discouraging attendance) but attendees cannot accept industry reimbursement for travel or other remuneration.

[Domain Location: Policy 2]
Industry-supported scholarships and awards pie2

Industry scholarships for residents and medical students are prohibited. However, the policy does state that medical students may be provided educational funds from industry for educational offerings. Selection of the participants and use of the funds (in

[Domain Location: Policy 1; page 2; Policy 2; Policy 4, page 1]
Ghostwriting and honorary authorships pie3

Ghostwriting and honorary authorship are strictly prohibited.

[Domain Location: Policy 2]
Consulting and advising relationships pie3

Consulting for the purpose of marketing a product is prohibited. Consulting agreements must be approved.

[Domain Location: Policy 3, pages 9 and 11]
Access of pharmaceutical sales representatives pie2

Pharmaceutical sales representatives are permitted to meet with faculty by invitation and in non-patient care areas. They also have separate policies specific to marketing and detailing to medical students and residents (not allowed).

[Domain Location: Policy 1, page 1; Policy 2]
Access of medical device representatives pie2

Medical device representatives are permitted in patient care areas with some regulation of site access (i.e. they must be invited by a department head). The policy does not specify the types of activities that are allowed.

[Domain Location: Policy 1, page 1]
Conflict of interest disclosure pie2

Internal disclosure is required on an annual basis. The policy does not note that disclosure is required to trainees/audiences.

[Domain Location: Policy 1; page 2; Policy 2; Policy 3, pages 1, 14, 15, 20; ]
COI curriculum pie2

All trainees must receive instruction on institutional policies and how industry promotion can influence clinical judgment. Researchers also must complete a COI training before engaging in research funded by the Public Health Service. No curriculum materi

[Domain Location: Policy 1, page 2; Policy 2; Policy 3, pages 8, 21]
Extension of COI policies to community affiliates pie2

All faculty, employees, and trainees are subject to the institution's COI policies, but the policy documents do not specify that the COI policies also cover them in all instances, locations, or whereabouts.

[Domain Location: Policy 2; Policy 3, page 2]
Enforcement and Sanctions of Policies pie3

Enforcement and sanctions of policies are included.

[Domain Location: Policy 3, pages 1, 13, 15-18]
What the results mean...
3Model policy
2Good progress toward model policy
1No policy, or policy unlikely to have a substantial effect on behavior