Meharry Medical College | ||
City: Nashville | State: TN | |
Updates: This institution's COI policies were evaluated on May-21-2014. This institution's policies were found via online web searches for the 2016 Scorecard. They were last updated prior to their review for the 2014 Scorecard. |
Gifts | 'Gifts of any value from pharmaceutical companies, medical device suppliers or medical service providers are prohibited.' [Domain Location: 1, p4] |
Meals | No industry-funded meals of any nature or value allowed except in the context of industry funded ACCME-accredited CME or when paid for through other unrestricted contributions to a department. [Domain Location: 1, p4] |
Industry-funded promotional speaking relationships (not ACCME-accredited) | If a talk is funded by industry, the content must be determined by the speaker and not the company, and the talk must be not be promotional in content. Faculty are explicitly forbidden from serving on industry 'speakers bureaus.' [Domain Location: 6, p8] |
Industry-support of ACCME-accredited CME | Industry support can be accepted with the only stipulation being that they must follow ACCME criteria. [Domain Location: ] |
Attendance of industry-sponsored promotional events | 'Vendors are prohibited from providing funds directly to any MMC staff member to attend any CME or other continuing education event.' [Domain Location: 6, p6] |
Industry-supported scholarships and awards | Industry may provide scholarships to students and trainees for meeting attendance, but it may not participate in the selection of attendees, and all funds must be provided to the university and not directly to the trainee. [Domain Location: 5, p37] |
Ghostwriting and honorary authorships | Ghostwriting and honorary authorship are strictly prohibited [Domain Location: 6, p9] |
Consulting and advising relationships | All consulting arrangements with Industry, must identify specific tasks and deliverables and contains payment provisions that are at fair market value and consistent with the assigned tasks. [Domain Location: 7, p13] |
Access of pharmaceutical sales representatives | No policy found. [Domain Location: ] |
Access of medical device representatives | Vendors may appropriately orient, train, and advise residents and fellows on the proper use or calibration of a product that has already been acquired by a particular institution. In such cases, the vendor is present as a consultant and must solely advis [Domain Location: 5, p38] |
Conflict of interest disclosure | Disclosure of financial relationships that constitute a COI is required both internally to the institution and externally to trainees/audiences during presentations. [Domain Location: 1, p2; 6, p7] |
COI curriculum | Program directors are required to provide some training to residents and fellows on COI issues. [Domain Location: 5, p39] |
Extension of COI policies to community affiliates | For residents and fellows, COI policies apply both onsite and off-site. 'Where a conflict exists between this policy and that of another organization, it is the overarching policy of Meharry Medical College that the stricter policy will apply to a given s [Domain Location: 5, p37] |
Enforcement and Sanctions of Policies | The College Conflicts Committee monitors compliance and the President of the College may apply sanctions for non-compliance. [Domain Location: 1, p9] |
Model policy | |
Good progress toward model policy | |
No policy, or policy unlikely to have a substantial effect on behavior |