University of Washington School of Medicine | ||
City: Seattle | State: WA | |
Updates: This institution's COI policies were evaluated on May-15-2014. This institution's policies were found via online web searches for the 2016 Scorecard. They were last updated prior to their review for the 2014 Scorecard. |
Gifts | SoM faculty are prohibited from accepting any form of personal gift from commercial entities and non-profit entities created and supported by commercial entities, or their representatives. [Domain Location: 1, p3] |
Meals | The policy prohibits acceptance of food except when it is paid for as part of an unrestricted educational grant for a CME program. [Domain Location: 1, p3] |
Industry-funded promotional speaking relationships (not ACCME-accredited) | SOM faculty may not present at programs designed solely or predominantly for company promotional, sales or marketing purposes even in those circumstances where the faculty retain control of the content of the presentation and/or any slides that may accomp [Domain Location: 1, p5] |
Industry-support of ACCME-accredited CME | CME events must follow ACCME guidelines, and there is no central CME office in charge of disbursing funds. [Domain Location: 1, p9] |
Attendance of industry-sponsored promotional events | Faculty who simply attend a CME or other instructional activity and are not organizing or presenting at the meeting should not accept compensation from companies either for attending or defraying costs related to attending the meeting. [Domain Location: 1, p5] |
Industry-supported scholarships and awards | All funds for scholarships must be directed to a central fund and cannot designate a particular recipient. [Domain Location: 2, p2] |
Ghostwriting and honorary authorships | Ghostwriting and honorary authorship are strictly prohibited. [Domain Location: 8, p1] |
Consulting and advising relationships | It is the policy of the SOM that a faculty member should accept only fair market compensation for specific, legitimate services provided by him or her to the commercial or non-profit entity in question.' In addition, faculty must receive prior approval b [Domain Location: 1, p4, p6] |
Access of pharmaceutical sales representatives | Pharmaceutical representatives are allowed to meet with faculty and students but the meetings must take place only in non-patient care areas and the meetings must take place by appointment only. [Domain Location: 6, p1] |
Access of medical device representatives | 'Vendors will not be allowed in any clinical, research or teaching areas unless their presence is invited or required by the provider for the care of a patient and the presence is completely independent of any decision to purchase or utilize a product.' [Domain Location: 6, p1] |
Conflict of interest disclosure | Faculty must disclose all outside activity to the university annually, and must disclose this information to audiences during any teaching activity. [Domain Location: 1, p7] |
COI curriculum | Some curriculum in COI is provided to trainees. [Domain Location: 5, p12; 10: handout] |
Extension of COI policies to community affiliates | Faculty and staff must comply with the COI policy when they work off-site, and volunteer faculty are encouraged to comply . [Domain Location: 1, p1] |
Enforcement and Sanctions of Policies | The university designates an official to monitor violations and to recommend appropriate sanctions as necessary. [Domain Location: 5, p12;] |
Model policy | |
Good progress toward model policy | |
No policy, or policy unlikely to have a substantial effect on behavior |