AMSA Pharm-free Scorecard 2016
Liquid error: undefined method `respond_to_missing?' for #<Liquid::Strainer:0x00000006f6a490> East Tennessee State University James H. Quillen College of Medicine
City: Johnson City State: TN

Updates: This institution's COI policies were evaluated on Oct-19 -2016.

This institution submitted policies for review for the 2016 AMSA Scorecard.

Gifts pie3

No industry-funded gifts of any nature or value allowed

[Domain Location: Policy L, p1-2]
Meals pie2

No industry-funded meals of any nature or value allowed except in the context of industry funded ACCME-accredited CME.

[Domain Location: Policy L, p2]
Industry-funded promotional speaking relationships (not ACCME-accredited) pie3

If a talk is funded by industry, the content must be determined by the speaker and not the company, and the content must 'promote objective scientific and educational activities and discourse.'

[Domain Location: Policy L, p2]
Industry-support of ACCME-accredited CME pie2

The Office of Continuing Medical Education administers all accredited CME activities to ensure compliance with ACCME standards.

[Domain Location: Policy L, p2]
Attendance of industry-sponsored promotional events pie3

Faculty, staff, students, and trainees are strongly encouraged to avoid attending or speaking at meetings and conferences that are organized, underwritten, or presented by commercial interests.

[Domain Location: Policy L, p2]
Industry-supported scholarships and awards pie2

Industry may provide scholarships for meeting attendance, but it may not participate in the selection of attendees.

[Domain Location: Policy L, p3]
Ghostwriting and honorary authorships pie3

Covered persons are prohibited from having publications ghostwritten by any party, industry or otherwise.

[Domain Location: Policy L, p3]
Consulting and advising relationships pie2

Consulting relationships are allowed. Requires disclosure and monitoring and a management plan will be developed.

[Domain Location: Policy L, p3; Policy D, p5]
Access of pharmaceutical sales representatives pie2

Pharmaceutical representatives are allowed to meet with faculty but the meetings must take place only in non-patient care areas and the meetings must take place by appointment only.

[Domain Location: Policy L, p2]
Access of medical device representatives pie3

Access by device manufacturer representatives to patient care areas is permitted by appointment or invitation by faculty members or clinic supervisors. Interactions with faculty must be limited to in-service training or assistance on devices and equipment

[Domain Location: Policy L, p2]
Conflict of interest disclosure pie2

Disclosure of COIs to the university is required and described across multiple policy documents.

[Domain Location: Multiple]
COI curriculum pie2

A course on medical professionalism is required, but it is not clear if it discusses effects of industry marketing on physicians.

[Domain Location: Submission form; Policy document O and P]
Extension of COI policies to community affiliates pie2

Policies apply both on and off-site. However, covered persons for each policy document are not clearly defined.

[Domain Location: Policy L]
Enforcement and Sanctions of Policies pie3

There is a party responsible for general oversight to ensure compliance with COI policies and there are sanctions for noncompliance.

[Domain Location: Policy Q]
What the results mean...
3Model policy
2Good progress toward model policy
1No policy, or policy unlikely to have a substantial effect on behavior