AMSA Pharm-free Scorecard 2016
Liquid error: undefined method `respond_to_missing?' for #<Liquid::Strainer:0x00000006f6a490> University of Chicago Division of the Biological Sciences The Pritzker School of Medicine
City: Chicago State: IL

Updates: This institution's COI policies were evaluated on Oct-19 -2016.

This institution submitted policies for review for the 2016 AMSA Scorecard.

Gifts pie3

Prohibited regardless of value

[Domain Location: Policy A, p1]
Meals pie3


[Domain Location: Policy A, p1; Policy B, p56]
Industry-funded promotional speaking relationships (not ACCME-accredited) pie2

Participation is cautioned but allowed. Industry may not have control over the speaker's content.

[Domain Location: Policy A, p2; Policy B, p69]
Industry-support of ACCME-accredited CME pie3

Support can be provided by industry. Must be in line with ACCME standards and must be overseen by the CME office. Industry funding must be unrestricted and given centrally.

[Domain Location: Policy A, p3; Policy B, p59]
Attendance of industry-sponsored promotional events pie3

Individuals must not attend sales or marketing sessions. A sales or marketing session is any non-CME event that is sponsored by industry whether or not the topic is focused directly or indirectly on the sponsor?s product.'

[Domain Location: Policy A, p3; Policy B, p61]
Industry-supported scholarships and awards pie2

Funding is accepted with safeguards. Funds can not be earmarked by industry.

[Domain Location: Policy A, p4]
Ghostwriting and honorary authorships pie3


[Domain Location: Policy A, p4; Policy B, p67-68]
Consulting and advising relationships pie3

Interactions with industry for marketing purposes are prohibited. Further, policy allows for interactions for scientific purposes and this requires fee at fair market value and the relationships to be described in a written contract.

[Domain Location: Policy A, p4]
Access of pharmaceutical sales representatives pie3

Sales and marketing representatives are excluded from patient care areas.'

[Domain Location: Policy A, p5]
Access of medical device representatives pie3

Medical device and equipment representatives are not permitted in patient care areas for marketing purposes.

[Domain Location: Policy A, p6]
Conflict of interest disclosure pie3

Disclosure is required to both the institution and trainees.

[Domain Location: Policy A, p6-7]
COI curriculum pie3

Medical student curriculum on COI is required and adequate.

[Domain Location: Policy A, p7]
Extension of COI policies to community affiliates pie3

Policy applies to all people in all settings.

[Domain Location: Policy A, p8]
Enforcement and Sanctions of Policies pie3

Enforcement is with the Office of Legal Affairs, Office of Corporate Compliance and the Dean. Sanctions exist for noncompliance.

[Domain Location: Policy A, p8]
What the results mean...
3Model policy
2Good progress toward model policy
1No policy, or policy unlikely to have a substantial effect on behavior