AMSA Pharm-free Scorecard 2016
Liquid error: undefined method `respond_to_missing?' for #<Liquid::Strainer:0x00000006f6a490> Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
City: Newark State: NJ

Updates: This institution's COI policies were evaluated on Jun- 6-2014.

This institution submitted policies for review for the 2016 AMSA Scorecard. All policies were found to be last updated prior to their review for the 2014 Scorecard.

Gifts pie3

Policy prohibits gifts for all state employees. However, meals from industry for non state employees are not directly addressed.

[Domain Location: Policy 6, p6, Policy 5, p1]
Meals pie2

Policy prohibits gifts of food or meals for all state employees

[Domain Location: Policy 6, p6]
Industry-funded promotional speaking relationships (not ACCME-accredited) pie1

Policy does not address content of speaking relationships, and provides a line for disclosing 'speakers bureau' fees received on COI disclosure forms.

[Domain Location: Rutgers RWJ Policy 12, p17]
Industry-support of ACCME-accredited CME pie1

Policy states that commercial support can be accepted with the only stipulation being that they must follow ACCME criteria

[Domain Location: Rutgers RWJ Policy 8, p1-2]
Attendance of industry-sponsored promotional events pie2

Policy does not discourage attendance of marketing events but does not allow travel reimbursement or remuneration for attendance.

[Domain Location: Policy 6, p7, RWJ Policy 10, p2]
Industry-supported scholarships and awards pie2

Policy allows industry funding of scholarships if selection of recipients is done by the conference sponsor or school department.

[Domain Location: RWJ Policy 10, p2,9]
Ghostwriting and honorary authorships pie2

Policy discourages ghostwriting and requires full disclosure to the school.

[Domain Location: RWJ Policy 18, p4]
Consulting and advising relationships pie1

Policy places no restriction on types of consulting activities

[Domain Location: RWJ Policy 12, p4; RWJ Policy 18, p 4]
Access of pharmaceutical sales representatives pie1

Policy requires advanced notice of appointments, but does not substantially limit access to patient care areas

[Domain Location: RWJ Policy 5, p1]
Access of medical device representatives pie1

Policy requires advanced notice of appointments, but does not substantially limit access to patient care areas

[Domain Location: Policy 5, p1]
Conflict of interest disclosure pie2

Policy requires internal disclosure but not disclosure to students and trainees.

[Domain Location: Policy 12, p1-19]
COI curriculum pie3

The COI curriculum reflects and covers most of the curricular content and objectives in the AMSA standards.

[Domain Location: Policy 18]
Extension of COI policies to community affiliates pie2

Policy applies to all faculty, staff, volunteers, and trainees, but does not mention whether the policy applies in all settings.

[Domain Location: Policy 12, p1-2]
Enforcement and Sanctions of Policies pie3

Policy identifies both a party responsible for enforcement and the existence of sanctions for non-compliance.

[Domain Location: Policy8,p1]
What the results mean...
3Model policy
2Good progress toward model policy
1No policy, or policy unlikely to have a substantial effect on behavior