Eastern Virginia Medical School | ||
City: Norfolk | State: VA | |
Updates: This institution's COI policies were evaluated on Apr-29-2014. This institution has indicated their policies have not changed since they were evaluated for 2014 Scorecard. |
Gifts | Gifts may not be accepted except for textbooks, anatomical models, posters, and only if there is no branding and if they are of 'nominal' value--'nominal' is determined by the Dean. [Domain Location: 4, p2] |
Meals | Industry may provide an educational grant to department in support of food costs--this is almost certainly true of ACCME events, since all educational activities at EVMS must follow ACCME standards. [Domain Location: 4, p3] |
Industry-funded promotional speaking relationships (not ACCME-accredited) | If a talk is funded by industry, the content must be determined by the speaker and not the company, and the talk must be educational and scientific in content. [Domain Location: 4, p5] |
Industry-support of ACCME-accredited CME | A central office for CME manages all payments related to CME courses. [Domain Location: 3, policy 3.8] |
Attendance of industry-sponsored promotional events | Faculty, staff, and students are discouraged from attending Industry meetings and conferences that are promotional in nature. [Domain Location: 4, p4] |
Industry-supported scholarships and awards | Industry-supported travel funds are accepted but only if they come from scientific societies, provided that Industry does not control the selection of the recipients. [Domain Location: 4, p3] |
Ghostwriting and honorary authorships | Ghostwriting and honorary authorship are strictly prohibited. [Domain Location: 4, p6] |
Consulting and advising relationships | Compensation is at fair market value, and the arrangement is governed by a written agreement specifying specific services. In addition, activities must be approved by the department chair. [Domain Location: 4, p6] |
Access of pharmaceutical sales representatives | Industry reps are restricted to non public areas, only by invitation, and only for non-marketing purposes such as device or equipment training. [Domain Location: ] |
Access of medical device representatives | Industry reps are restricted to non public areas, only by invitation, and only for non-marketing purposes such as device or equipment training. [Domain Location: 4, p1] |
Conflict of interest disclosure | Annual disclosure required of all employed faculty. [Domain Location: 1, p2] |
COI curriculum | Both industry-physician interactions and medical professionalism are part of part of their course for second year medical students, Integrative Pharmacotherapeutics. Similar material is also presented in orientation for medical students and during the fam [Domain Location: Email communication] |
Extension of COI policies to community affiliates | Policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, residents, volunteers, as well as all community affiliated faculty regardless of where they practice. [Domain Location: 4, p1] |
Enforcement and Sanctions of Policies | Financial COIs are reviewed by the Office of Research, Policy on Conflicts of Interest in Research and Sponsored Projects. Violations are subject to disciplinary action. [Domain Location: 4, p7] |
Model policy | |
Good progress toward model policy | |
No policy, or policy unlikely to have a substantial effect on behavior |