The Commonwealth Medical College | ||
City: Scranton | State: PA | |
Updates: This institution's COI policies were evaluated on Apr-25-2014. This institution has indicated their policies have not changed since they were evaluated for 2014 Scorecard. |
Gifts | The policy prohibits all gifts of any nature or dollar value. However, during non-marketing pharmaceutical sales rep visits, faculty may be provided (with permission) journal articles. Institutional gifts must go through the institutional advancement offi [Domain Location: Commonwealth Medical College Policy 5, pages 3 and 5] |
Meals | Meals are not allowed unless provided 'incidental to attendance at an off-campus event.' [Domain Location: Commonwealth Medical College Policy 5, pages 2-3] |
Industry-funded promotional speaking relationships (not ACCME-accredited) | Industry-funded speaking is allowed with assurances in place that the speaking is not promotional in nature. The policy states that the talk must be based on the best available scientific evidence, industry cannot select the speakers or play a role in the [Domain Location: Commonwealth Medical College Policy 5, page 4 ] |
Industry-support of ACCME-accredited CME | The policy allows industry-support of CME with safeguards in place. In this case, industry must contribute unrestricted educational funds via a centralized body that disburses the funds independent of industry input or control. [Domain Location: Commonwealth Medical College Policy 5, page 2; Policy 1] |
Attendance of industry-sponsored promotional events | Attendance allowed but attendees cannot accept industry reimbursement for travel or other remuneration. The language is not strong enough to meet the threshold of prohibiting or discouraging attendance at promotional events. [Domain Location: Commonwealth Medical College Policy 5, pages 2-3] |
Industry-supported scholarships and awards | Industry support to attend conferences or trainings is allowed with safeguards in place. [Domain Location: Commonwealth Medical College Policy 5, page 4 ] |
Ghostwriting and honorary authorships | Ghostwriting is prohibited. [Domain Location: Commonwealth Medical College Policy 5, page 4 ] |
Consulting and advising relationships | The policy requires prior approval by the faculty member's supervisor and confirmation by the Dean. Contract must provide tasks and deliverables with fair-market value of payment assigned. [Domain Location: Commonwealth Medical College Policy 6; Commonwealth Medical College Policy 3, page 1; Commonwealth Medical College Policy 5, page 3-4] |
Access of pharmaceutical sales representatives | Pharmaceutical sales representatives are not allowed to meet with faculty regardless of location, or are not permitted to market their products anywhere inside the medical center and associated clinics and offices. [Domain Location: Commonwealth Medical College Policy 5, page 5] |
Access of medical device representatives | Medical device representatives are allowed to meet with faculty by appointment and in patient care areas only for non-marketing purposes, such as training on devices or equipment. [Domain Location: Commonwealth Medical College Policy 5, page 5] |
Conflict of interest disclosure | Faculty are required to disclose annually to institutions and patients using a COI disclosure form. The information is displayed on the web. There is also a policy that describes disclosure of research. However, there is no reference to disclosure to stud [Domain Location: Commonwealth Medical College Policy 5, page 6; Policy 4] |
COI curriculum | No formal curriculum exists; however, training is required for students throughout their medical years so that they understand COI policies and 'recognize how industry promotion can influence clinical judgment.' [Domain Location: Commonwealth Medical College Policy 5, page 5] |
Extension of COI policies to community affiliates | The policy applies to all faculty, staff, and students and all healthcare professionals at all facilities owned by the medical college and during time spent in the community with the volunteer clinical faculty. [Domain Location: Commonwealth Medical College Policy 5, page 1 and 3] |
Enforcement and Sanctions of Policies | The policy includes a party responsible for general oversight to ensure compliance with COI policies and there are sanctions for noncompliance. [Domain Location: Commonwealth Medical College Policy 5, pages 1 and 6] |
Model policy | |
Good progress toward model policy | |
No policy, or policy unlikely to have a substantial effect on behavior |