Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine | ||
City: Richmond | State: VA | |
Updates: This institution's COI policies were evaluated on Sep-18 -2016. This institution submitted policies for review for the 2016 AMSA Scorecard. |
Gifts | Gift' is defined on 12a) pg 2, all-encompassing definition; gifts are prohibited [Domain Location: 12a)Page 3, section 1.0] |
Meals | Food can be supplied at ACGME accredited programming within ACGME-guidelines; off-site participation in industry sponsored meals is 'discouraged' but not prohibited [Domain Location: 12a) pg 5, section 8.0] |
Industry-funded promotional speaking relationships (not ACCME-accredited) | Faculty participation in industry-sponsored speakers? bureaus is strongly discouraged', it goes on to say that these interactions should be transparent and that speakers should be paid a 'fair market' value. The description was not detailed enough to warr [Domain Location: 12a)Pg 4, section 6.1] |
Industry-support of ACCME-accredited CME | Requires that CME meet ACGME criteria and the funding is overseen by a university office of CME (not stringent enough for a 3, but has the extra point to make a 2) [Domain Location: 12a) pg 4, section 5.0] |
Attendance of industry-sponsored promotional events | Strongly discouraged from attending, prohibited from accepting industry reimbursement. [Domain Location: 12a) pg 5, section 6.3, 6.4] |
Industry-supported scholarships and awards | Recipients may be selected for funds via a process coordinated by a centralized office [Domain Location: 12a) pg5 section 7.0] |
Ghostwriting and honorary authorships | Strictly prohibited [Domain Location: 12a) pg 6, section 10.0] |
Consulting and advising relationships | Policy outlines that faculty members must comply with policies regarding fair market value and guidelines on COI. [Domain Location: 12a) pg 7, section 13.0] |
Access of pharmaceutical sales representatives | Meetings must take place in non-patient care areas and by appointment only (not stringent enough for a 3) [Domain Location: 12a) pg 3, section 3.0] |
Access of medical device representatives | permitted only when the representatives are appropriately credentialed ... and should take place only by appointment or invitation of the physician', can only present to provide in-service training or assistance [Domain Location: 12a) pg 4, section 4.0] |
Conflict of interest disclosure | Requires internal disclosure; we cannot find required disclosure to audience [Domain Location: 12a) pg 6-7, section 12.0] |
COI curriculum | There are COI components of a larger curriculum called 'Physicians, Patients, and Society' course. Unclear how detailed the COI curriculum is [Domain Location: 12z, page 1] |
Extension of COI policies to community affiliates | 12z says that the COI policies apply to students and faculty at all sites, even students at sites outside the institution's system. 12a states that the 'Policy on Industry Relationships' applies to ALL faculty, students, and staff. [Domain Location: 12z, pg 1; 12a pg 1] |
Enforcement and Sanctions of Policies | States that, 'Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean authorizes this policy' and that the dean's office should be contacted for 'interpretations and resolution of problems'. No explicit section for non-compliance/sanctions. [Domain Location: 12a) pg 7, section 14.0, 15.0] |
Model policy | |
Good progress toward model policy | |
No policy, or policy unlikely to have a substantial effect on behavior |