Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine | ||
City: Rochester | State: MI | |
Updates: This institution's COI policies were evaluated on Sep-26 -2016. This institution submitted policies for review for the 2016 AMSA Scorecard. |
Gifts | Gifts from industry vendors are prohibited [Domain Location: 18b, p13] |
Meals | Under CME section, policy states that industry 'must never provide direct financial support such as refreshments or meals'. Policy also states that 'business meals' are permitted but they must have a specific purpose and at conferences they are allowed if [Domain Location: 18b, p 6,14] |
Industry-funded promotional speaking relationships (not ACCME-accredited) | Policy states that employees speaking on behalf of [redacted] will not endorse products or services. However, this does not prohibit covered individuals from entering into speaking relationships. Further, in 18b under 'publications and speaking' the polic [Domain Location: 18b, p 13,14] |
Industry-support of ACCME-accredited CME | Policy states 'The Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer is responsible for the financial controls to be used by departments and the Foundation in disbursing the financial support' from industry. However, the policy is not clear as to what, [Domain Location: 18b, p6] |
Attendance of industry-sponsored promotional events | Policy section applies to several different programming types. No clear statement prohibiting attendance to promotional programs. Further, the section allows for travel reimbursement without differentiating national conferences sponsored by medical societ [Domain Location: 18b] |
Industry-supported scholarships and awards | Scholarships from industry are permitted if they follow safeguards that are in place. [Domain Location: 18b] |
Ghostwriting and honorary authorships | No policy located [Domain Location: ] |
Consulting and advising relationships | Allows consulting with vendors if approved by the 'Sr. Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer, or their designee.' Policy states the relationship must be consistent with Hospital Administration or Medical Administration policies but this policy was n [Domain Location: 18b] |
Access of pharmaceutical sales representatives | Policy states that they are committed to limiting vendor access unless prior arrangements are made. It is unclear what, if any, restrictions exist on access. [Domain Location: 18b] |
Access of medical device representatives | Policy states that they are committed to limiting vendor access unless prior arrangements are made. It is unclear what, if any, restrictions exist on access. [Domain Location: 18b] |
Conflict of interest disclosure | Policy requires internal disclosure and disclosure to audiences. [Domain Location: 18a, 18b, 18c, 18z] |
COI curriculum | COI curriculum is required for medical students 'in several courses.' However, it is unclear the full scope of the training. [Domain Location: 18z] |
Extension of COI policies to community affiliates | Policies apply regardless of location. [Domain Location: 18b, 18z] |
Enforcement and Sanctions of Policies | Oversight exists and disciplinary or corrective action can be taken for failing to adhere to the policy. [Domain Location: 18b, p4-5] |
Model policy | |
Good progress toward model policy | |
No policy, or policy unlikely to have a substantial effect on behavior |