AMSA Pharm-free Scorecard 2016

Institutions Ranked By: Disclosure

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A.T. Still University of Health Sciences - School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona and Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine 3

Required for medical students, but cannot adequately gauge the efficacy without looking at what they covered, which was not provided.

Albany Medical College 3

The submission sheet for the university details a COI curriculum required for all students which covers most of the AMSA model curriculum.

Albert Einstein College of Medicine 3

COI curriculum is covered for medical students. It is unclear if it meets both AMSA standards.

Boston University School of Medicine 3

No mention of curriculum in any of documents received

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine 3

There was no evidence of a curriculum provided.

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons 3

Curriculum required for medical students.

Drexel University College of Medicine 3

While, one policy discusses COI instruction for housestaff, that is not applicable for Scorecard purposes. Policy 4 states that medical students receive education on industry interactions.

Duke University School of Medicine 3

Policies mention training being required for researchers but there is no mention of COI training for medical students.

Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (Alabama, South Carolina, and Virginia campuses) 3

COI curriculum is required in years 1 and 2 and is consistent with AMSA model curriculum standards. Faculty, staff, and students involved in research are required to engage in training every four years.

Emory University School of Medicine 3

COI training is covered during orientation for students and is a component of new faculty orientation. It is unclear if the content covers both of the AMSA standards.

Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine 3

Live lectures

Harvard Medical School 3

A medical ethics and professionalism course is required for all first year medical students; however not enough detail was found to show that it comprehensively addresses AMSA's concerns.

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 3

Although the policy does not state anything related to curriculum, the institution noted during its policy submission a COI curriculum is required for all medical students. The information is presented through a syllabus, slides and learning objectives. F

Indiana University School of Medicine 3

Medical students have required curriculum that covers the objectives in the AMSA standards for model curriculum.

Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo 3

COI training is required for medical students.

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 3

Each JHM entity must publicize this policy to its faculty, staff, employees, trainees, and students.' However, no comprehensive COI curriculum was located.

Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California 3

COI curriculum is a required part of USC's Humanities, Ethics, Art, and Law (HEAL) curriculum, and takes place primarily during year III.

Meharry Medical College 3

Program directors are required to provide some training to residents and fellows on COI issues.

Mercer University School of Medicine 3

Adequate COI curriculum in place.

New York University School of Medicine 3

Adequate COI curriculum is required for medical students.

Northeast Ohio Medical University 3

The COI curriculum is comprehensive and reflects and covers most of the curricular content and objectives in the AMSA standards for a model curriculum

Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine 3

COI curriculum is required for medical students 'in several courses.' However, it is unclear the full scope of the training.

Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine 3


Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine 3

This policy states that there is a comprehensive, required COI curriculum, but no specific information was included.

Ponce Health Sciences University School of Medicine 3

No curriculum mentioned. Nor is one referred to in the survey section

Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School 3

All researches are required to take a COI course, however, we cannot assess if they are up to standards. This only applies to medical students if they are involved in research.

Saint Louis University School of Medicine 3

Curriculum is mandatory, headed by the committee, section 5.11. Unable to determine adequacy of curriculum with out documents detailing what it specifically covers.

Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University 3

The policy notes that the COI policy standards will be addressed in the school curricula. The institution noted when submitting policies that there is no formal curriculum presentation for faculty, but that the policies are distributed and discussed at fa

State University of New York Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine 3

No policy provided.

State University of New York Upstate Medical University 3

No policy located.

Stony Brook University School of Medicine 3

There is a required COI curriculum though no materials were provided for analysis

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine 3

There is no mention of curriculum in the policy, therefore there is no mention for training for medical students regarding COI. There is mention on 19b page 7 of training for non-compliance to policy, but this is not likely to meet threshold for COI trai

The University of Texas School of Medicine at San Antonio 3

Curriculum is for residents and students. It is part of their panel discussions in 'medicine, behavior, and society' course along with their 'team care' course. However, in looking at the curriculum, they do not mention understanding effects of influence

Tufts University School of Medicine 3

There is a required COI curriculum though no materials were provided for analysis. Apparently there are a minimum of three hours devoted exclusively to the subject of COIs in medicine, so it is likely that Tufts is deserving of a top score for this domain

Tulane University School of Medicine 3

No policy provided.

University of Alabama School of Medicine 3

The medical school has a required COI curriculum and it adequately covers core content areas of the AMSA Model COI Curriculum.

University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson 3

Model Curriculum. Required in policy and curriculum PowerPoint materials submitted for review

University of California, Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine 3

Curriculum mandatory, but unable to determine adequacy based on documents given. All receive training. Students receive training in system-based healthcare in their 3rd year and as part of 1st and 3rd year. orientations.

University of California, San Diego School of Medicine 3

COI curriculum is required for medical students. It is unknown if it meets the AMSA Standards. Policy document A states that 'all Health Care Individuals to whom this policy applies shall receive training regarding interactions with Health Care Vendors' b

University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine 3

'All health care individuals to whom this policy applies shall receive training regarding interactions with health care vendors.' However, there is no description of the content

University of Central Florida College of Medicine 3

There is no mention on what their curricula will cover, so unable to determine if it satisfies AMSA's prerequisites. It states: COM medical school curriculum includes instruction for medical students in understanding and addressing individual and institut

University of Chicago Division of the Biological Sciences The Pritzker School of Medicine 3

Medical student curriculum on COI is required and adequate.

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 3

The University of Cincinnati of College of Medicine shall make available training regarding potential conflicts of interest in interactions with Industry to all faculty, students, residents, trainees and staff.

University of Colorado School of Medicine 3

Educational programs exist to properly cover COI curriculum.

University of Connecticut School of Medicine 3

Conflict of interest training is required of medical students and trainees. The comprehensiveness of the curriculum was not detailed in the material provided.

University of Florida College of Medicine 3

A comprehensive COI curriculum is required, covering the majority of AMSA's model curriculum.

University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of Medicine 3

The submission form indicates that there is a required COI curriculum.

University of Illinois College of Medicine 3

A curriculum on conflict-of-interest was in development in 2012 but no curriculum was provided for review.

University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine 3

Required for M1 and PA1 students.

University of Kentucky College of Medicine 3

No mention of curriculum in any documents supplied.

University of Maryland School of Medicine 3

Required and extensive.

University of Massachusetts Medical School 3

The medical school has a required COI curriculum that adequately covers core content areas of the AMSA Model COI Curriculum including a course during the pre-clinical years on drug development, COI and regulatory issues, FDA approval, prescribing, etc. an

University of Michigan Medical School 3

The policies requires COI training for students, faculty, and staff, but the materials provided do not fully demonstrate that it covers most of the AMSA model curriculum.

University of Minnesota Medical School 3

They properly address the criteria necessary for a 3

University of Nebraska College of Medicine 3

COI curriculum is required for students, residents, faculty, etc. Policy 7h page 1 (Objectives for COI lecture) addresses effects of marketing but not industry influence on demonstration, regulation, and marketing of drugs/devices. No mention of AMSA stan

University of New Mexico School of Medicine 3

There is an online course w lectures and PowerPoint as part of ethics course for students and for faculty and staff.

University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine 3

The policy shows that the curriculum covers most of the AMSA 'model curriculum' materials.

University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine 3

Curriculum for medical students focuses on the influence of industry.

University of Virginia School of Medicine 3

The medical school has a required COI curriculum and it adequately covers core content areas of the AMSA Model COI Curriculum.

University of Washington School of Medicine 3

Some curriculum in COI is provided to trainees.

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health 3

Program has indicated they have COI curriculum and submitted policy documents indicates the curriculum is designed to highlight the effects of financial relationships with industry.

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine 3

A comprehensive curriculum on professionalism is required, including issues surrounding conflicts of interest.

Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine 3

Curriculum required for medical students.

Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine 3

It's only for residents that are required, no mention in main document

Yale School of Medicine 3

The Yale medical school bulletin lists a 'Professional Responsibility' course, which, according to material provided to AMSA in 2010 comprehensively covers topics related to conflicts of interest. In addition, there is a course called 'Responsible Conduct

Baylor College of Medicine 2

No policy located.

Central Michigan University College of Medicine 2

A great and in depth curriculum for students.

Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University 2

Curriculum required for students, unable to gauge if it is up to AMSA standards.

Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science 2

Materials show that there is a curriculum on the policy on 'Healthcare Industry Interactions in Education' but no additional information was available.

Cooper Medical School of Rowan University 2

There is a required COI curriculum though no materials were provided for analysis. There is a mandatory course on COI for researchers.

Creighton University School of Medicine 2

No policy provided

CUNY School of Medicine 2

Currently no COI curriculum in place for students. It was noted that the institution is planning to include content during introduction to the clerkship year.

Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine 2

Each of DMU Colleges provides instructional programming designed to helpstudents understand the potential conflicts that may arise between Industry representatives and health care and higher education professionals and guide them on how to develop and

East Tennessee State University James H. Quillen College of Medicine 2

A course on medical professionalism is required, but it is not clear if it discusses effects of industry marketing on physicians.

Eastern Virginia Medical School 2

Both industry-physician interactions and medical professionalism are part of part of their course for second year medical students, Integrative Pharmacotherapeutics. Similar material is also presented in orientation for medical students and during the fam

Florida State University College of Medicine 2

There is a required COI curriculum though no materials were provided for analysis.

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth 2

Researchers are required to complete training. However, the submitted policy documents do not reference COI curriculum for medical students.

Georgetown University School of Medicine 2

A comprehensive COI curriculum is required.

Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine at Hofstra University 2

COI Curriculum is required for medical students. However, it is unclear if both AMSA competencies are covered.

Howard University College of Medicine 2

A limited COI curriculum is required by the institution.

Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences College of Osteopathic Medicine 2

Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University 2

Curriculum exists within their ethics in medicine curriculum and goes more into depth in their Masters in bioethics program. However, cannot determine qualifications for a top score of '3' given the limited data provided on the curriculum.

Loma Linda University School of Medicine 2

Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans 2

The institution noted during its policy submission that an online curriculum is required of all staff, students, faculty and residents. No materials were provided for analysis.

Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Shreveport 2

COI training is required for researchers, but there is no reference to a required COI curriculum for medical students.

Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine 2

The institution noted during its policy submission that 'faculty and residents are required to complete e-module training and complete annual disclosure statements. Medical students are taught about COI in the required patient centered medicine course, as

Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine 2

COI curriculum is required for students, but there is no indication of the content of that curriculum.

Mayo Medical School 2

A COI curriculum is required, but the available materials were insufficient to demonstrate the comprehensiveness of the curriculum.

McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 2

Curriculum required for medical students. It is unknown if it meets the AMSA standards.

Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University 2

The policy requires an annual COI training for everyone covered under the policy, including students. As noted in its policy submission, 'COI issues are discussed in the small group setting.'

Medical College of Wisconsin 2

No policy provided.

Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine 2

Although the medical students' honor code addresses aspects of COI and postdoctoral trainees and residents are provided COI training, there is no required curriculum specific for medical students.

Michigan State University College of Human Medicine 2

Curriculum required for students but it is unknown if it addresses both required objectives.

Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine 2

A COI curriculum is required for medical students (see materials). The institution notes in its policy submission, 'MSUCOM has undergo major curricular revision over the last several years. One significant shift was to replace our Doctor/Patient Relations

Midwestern University, Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine and Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine 2

Curriculum PowerPoint (4l) and this is required for students (4z)

Morehouse School of Medicine 2

No policy provided

New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine 2

No policy found

New York Medical College 2

Medical Students have a lecture and discussion about conflicts of interest in their required Ethics Course in Year two. Students in Year Three participate in a required two week Translational Medicine course that discusses research ethics and conflicts

Northwestern University The Feinberg School of Medicine 2

Required 'Conflicts of Interest and Professional Integrity in Medicine' curriculum is currently in place for residents and fellows. Curriculum will be in place for medical students and faculty later this year [2014].'

Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine 2

Curriculum exists for medical students that will teach a 'thorough knowledge of the ethical and legal issues associated with conflict of interest and interactions between Industry representatives and the medical professional.' However, this does not meet

Ohio State University College of Medicine 2

No policy provided.

Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine 2

There is a required curriculum only for medical students. It is unclear if the content meets AMSA Standards.

Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine 2

Adequate COI curriculum is required for medical students during 2nd year.

Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania 2

There is a required COI curriculum that includes 'discussion and reflection on managing encounters with Industry representatives' though no materials were provided for analysis.

Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine 2

No policy located

Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine 2

There is a required COI curriculum for medical students, residents and faculty, and a financial COIs (FCOI) training for research investigators, though no materials were provided for analysis.

Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center 2

COI curriculum is required for medical students. It is unclear if the curriculum meets AMSA standards.

Rutgers New Jersey Medical School 2

The COI curriculum reflects and covers most of the curricular content and objectives in the AMSA standards.

Southern Illinois University School of Medicine 2

There is a required COI curriculum though no materials were provided for analysis.

Stanford University School of Medicine 2

Medical students must complete educational modules including FDA regulation of research and the influence of industry on physicians.

Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine 2

A COI curriculum is provided to medical students by each teaching hospital affiliate, and the content is not controlled by the college.

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Paul L. Foster School of Medicine 2

The Masters Colloquium covers issues of professionalism and conflicts of interest.

The Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University 2

No policy located

The Commonwealth Medical College 2

No formal curriculum exists; however, training is required for students throughout their medical years so that they understand COI policies and 'recognize how industry promotion can influence clinical judgment.'

The University of Toledo College of Medicine 2

The medical school has a required COI curriculum and it adequately covers core content areas of the AMSA Model COI Curriculum

Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine 2

The curriculum is 'Medical jurisprudence', which sounds limited at best with respect to specific influence of the pharmaceutical industry

Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine 2

No policy found

Universidad Central del Caribe School of Medicine (Puerto Rico) 2

No policy found

University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix 2

All students, trainees and staff receive training on COIs.

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine 2

It is part of mandatory curriculum for M1s, and M2s. Both include sessions on COI. Unable to adequately determine if sessions cover the minimum criteria outlined by AMSA to warrant a '3' grade.

University of California, Davis, School of Medicine 2

'All health care individuals to whom this policy applies shall receive training regarding interactions with health care vendors.' However, there is no description of the content of this curriculum.

University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine 2

A limited COI education is required by the institution.

University of California, Riverside School of Medicine 2

'All health care individuals to whom this policy applies shall receive training regarding interactions with health care vendors.' However, there is no description of the content of this curriculum.

University of Kansas School of Medicine 2

A limited COI curriculum is required by the institution.

University of Louisville School of Medicine 2

No policy provided.

University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine 2

The curriculum is comprehensive and covers most of the AMSA 'model curriculum'

University of Mississippi School of Medicine 2

'Programs should provide training to residents and fellows on vendor relations and conflicts of interest, including reference to this policy and other relevant institutional policies.'

University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine 2

A comprehensive COI curriculum is required for medical students.

University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine 2

A limited COI curriculum in the form of required training about COI for faculty and students is required by the institution. The curriculum is presented to students through PowerPoint slides, syllabus, small group discussions, large group didactic discuss

University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine 2

All trainees must receive instruction on institutional policies and how industry promotion can influence clinical judgment. Researchers also must complete a COI training before engaging in research funded by the Public Health Service. No curriculum materi

University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine 2

No policy found

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine 2

There is a required online training module for all covered recipients (including trainees) to complete prior to work on a project related to 'research, testing, evaluation, training and/or instructional plan conducted under the auspices of the University.

University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences 2

No policy provided.

University of Oklahoma College of Medicine 2

The policy requires a comprehensive COI curriculum that addresses most aspects of the AMSA 'model curriculum'.

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine 2

No policy located.

University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine 2

No curriculum for medical students.

University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry 2

Adequate COI curriculum in place.

University of South Alabama College of Medicine 2

No policy found

University of South Carolina School of Medicine 2

No policy located

University of South Dakota, Sanford School of Medicine 2

Adequate COI curriculum in place.

University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine 2

They have no COI curriculum.

University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School 2

Curriculum does exist for medical students and residents. The exact content of the curriculum is unknown to us so it is unclear if it meets AMSA standards.

University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicine 2

No policy provided.

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Southwestern Medical School 2

No policy provided.

University of Utah School of Medicine 2

The policy states that there is curricula 'for students and trainees that address the issues of professionalism and relationships with industry.' There is also a mandatory online training module that researchers must complete every four years as part of t

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine 2

There are COI components of a larger curriculum called 'Physicians, Patients, and Society' course. Unclear how detailed the COI curriculum is

Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine 2

No policy found

Wake Forest School of Medicine of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center 2

We were unable to locate specific examples of publically accessible COI curricula to review for comprehensiveness; however, the 2013 AMSA scorecard found that Wake Forest did have a COI curriculum.

Warren Alpert School of Medicine of Brown University 2

Curriculum exists for preclinical years. However, the full content of the curriculum is not available in this limited policy document.

Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine 2

No policy provided. The institution noted during its policy submission that a curriculum is not required for faculty, students or trainees.

Wayne State University School of Medicine 2

Adequate COI curriculum reflected in policy documents.

Weill Cornell Medicine 2

Appears to be a limited curriculum; no mention of AMSA standards

West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine 2

Training is required for research, but there is no mention of curriculum for medical students not involved in research.

West Virginia University School of Medicine 2

All students and trainees receive training on COIs. However, no curriculum materials were provided.

Western University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific 2

While all investigators must complete an online training on financial conflicts of interest (FCOI) prior to engaging in funded research activities, there is no mention of a COI curriculum for students/trainees.

Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine 1

No policy exists

Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine at New Mexico State University 1

No policy located

California Northstate University College of Medicine 1

No policy located

Campbell University Jerry M. Wallace School of Osteopathic Medicine 1

No policy located

Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University 1

No policy located

George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences 1

Medical students have COI curriculum but it only covers one of the two AMSA standards.

Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (Erie and Bradenton Campuses) 1

No policy located

Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine 1

No policy located.

Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine 1

No policy found

Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine 1

No policy located

Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine 1

No policy located

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (Philadelphia and Georgia campus) 1

No policy found

San Juan Bautista School of Medicine 1

No policy found

Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine New York (Harlem and Middletown Campus) 1

No policy found

Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine 1

No policy found

University of Pikeville-Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine 1

no policy provided

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine 1

No policy found

University of Vermont College of Medicine 1

No policy located.

William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine 1

No policy found